Wednesday, March 14, 2012

And then we moved in...

Progress slowed WAY down around here once we moved in. I guess that's the way it goes. Honestly, we did not realize what we were getting ourselves into (having a toddler and Josh being in school full-time.) Most of my day is picking up after our little one, and sometimes I get around to working on the house. But that includes keeping him out of dangerous tools and paints while I try to work. I am usually too overwhelmed.

Nevertheless, we have made a little progress.... bit by bit.

Here is our bathroom that we painted and made a frame for the mirror. We have a lot more planned for the bathroom, but this is all the time/money that we wanted to invest in it right now.

Also, we finally found a super cheap ($0.24 /square ft) stick-on tile for the kitchen floor. It's only temporary, but it works nicely for now.


  1. Sara do you read Young House Love? ( It's the most adorable family-with-a-toddler-fixing-a-house-for-cheap site ever! Good luck with yours!

  2. Emily.... I will look it up right now! Thanks.
